
FY ’20 Donors

Updated Jan. 24, 2021

Thanks to everyone who has contributed to help meet our goal of $20,000 for the 2020-21 fiscal year.

It’s your continuing support that allows us to fund repairs and maintenance for the Chapter House, pay property taxes and other expenses, hold regional alumni events, award the annual Zeta Alumni Corp. scholarship, and provide financial assistance to the chapter as a whole.

With your support, F&M’s oldest fraternity can truly epitomize its motto: “Stellis Aequus Durando / Equal to the stars in endurance.”

Alpha’s Club ($1,000+)

Case Arkell, ’07

Theodore Bluey, ’69

William Haines ’65

Phi Kap Circle ($500–$999)

Daniel Jacoby ’05

Robert S. Kier ’65

Michael Olsan ’86

Howard C. Passmore Jr. ’64

Craig Robertson, ’70

Ray Wilson, ’85

Thomas A. Young ’86

Contributing Sponsor ($250–$499

David Beinhacker, ’95

Robert Brooks, ’66

Peter Contino, ’74

Raymond Huber, ’60

Frederick D. Ingber ’71

Mark Kadi, ’88

Adam Oestreich ’95

Earl Shreiner, ’63

David Speidel ’60

Michael Therway, ’95

Robert O. Walton Jr. ’62

Sponsor ($100–$249)

Allen Avrutin ’74

James Balent, ’91

Michael Beber, ’02

Alex Balog ’13

Paul Becker, ’64

Edward Brigden ’63

Lawrence Creedon, ’67

Erik Droutman, ’90

Robert Evans, ’74

Michael Garaguso, ’09

Matthew Gordon, ’98

Kenneth Henninger, ’59

Lynn Kerr, ’60

Saum Noori ’00

Neil Kelley ’99

Phillip Kidd, ’62

John Latimer, ’64

Paul D. Lew ’71

Peter Lewis ’16

Joseph Perrotta, ’06

Peter E. Rovtar ’80

Frederick S. Repasky ’61

James Shiffer, ’60

Dennis Stein, ’98

Daniel Treutelaar, ’74

Chris Visser ’94

David Walsey, ’88

Donn Whetstone, ’50

James Whitten, ’67

David Wirth, ’67

Donor ($1–$99)

Jeff Boerger, ’93

Nicolas Carnes, ’16

Brian Degenhart, ’03

John Hausladen ’12

James Isman, ’69

Ian Paul, ’94

Jeffrey A. Robinowitz, ’17

Scott Stolzar ’09

Hermann Weinlick, ’59